Breach Confirmed! Change Healthcare Cyber Event to Impact Millions
Change Healthcare, owned by healthcare giant UnitedHealth Group, has confirmed that patient data was exfiltrated from their environment after all - a stunning reveal that will impact millions of patient records.
The Weakest Link: Managing Supply Chain Risk
In the interconnected web of modern business ecosystems, supply chain risks have emerged as insidious threats, leaving even the most vigilant organizations vulnerable to devastating cyber breaches.
Newly Exploited Vulnerabilities in Apple Devices
In mid-April, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) ordered federal agencies to patch two vulnerabilities actively being exploited on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices. The vulnerabilities were also added to CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog as of April 10th.
I am once again asking you to update your Apple devices
Apple has released critical fixes for critical problems on its devices - so spend ten minutes and update them now!
A Look at the Cybersecurity Red Alert from the White House
The White House issued a red alert for cybersecurity in the United States and you need to take action to protect your organization and your family. Read our actionable guide now!
Log4Shell: The New ‘Heartbleed’
Just in time for the holidays, this critical vulnerability threatens to wreak havoc on cloud services and companies around the globe.
An Unholy Union: Remote Access and Ransomware
DHS warns the worst case scenario is starting to happen - your organization’s remote access solution may end up being the reason you lose millions and go out of business.
Don't Let Ransomware Take Hostage of Your Information
Ransomware: you’ve heard about it in the news. You usually realize it when a ransom note pops up on your screen, but unfortunately this one isn’t made out of letters from a magazine and is going to be a big, expensive problem.
How Hackers Steal and Use Your Passwords
You’re probably annoyed with everyone telling you to have a long, complex, unique password for every website, device, and account you own. Here’s why it’s important.
Go Update Your iPhone and iPad NOW!
On the eve of their major hardware event, Apple has released emergency updates for iOS and iPadOS - go update now!
Update your iPhone and iPad TODAY! (again)
Apple has released a critical fix for a critical problem on its devices - so update today!
A Guide to Mitigating the Critical Microsoft Exchange Vulnerability
Still running an old Microsoft Exchange server in house for your organization? You need to act immediately to mitigate this vulnerability.
Own an iPhone or iPad? Update TODAY!
Apple has released a critical fix for a critical problem on iPhones. Update your device today!
Not All Telework Solutions are Created Equal
Remoting into your work computer when you WFH? There's a safe way, and a very dangerous way to do it. You're likely doing it the very dangerous way. Let's lock it up.
Massive U.S. Healthcare Company UHS a Victim of Major Cyber Attack
Fortune 500 healthcare provider Universal Health Services (UHS) appears to be the victim of a major ransomware attack
Don't Fall for These Three COVID-19 Scams
As the world continues to manage its response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), hackers have also continued to exploit the global pandemic. And while their work had previously focused on only the pandemic itself, they have moved on to new subjects that have come from our new normal. Here are three things you need to watch out for this week.
Hacking Your Brain with Coronavirus
Hackers are using the coronavirus against you and you may not realize it until it’s too late.
The End of an Era and the Beginning of Trouble
As Rafiki said in The Lion King, “It is time.” It’s time to move on from Windows 7.
The Vulnerability that Could Ruin Your Business is Here
A vulnerability for Windows was discovered called BlueKeep that has the ability to really ruin your day. The vulnerability was believed to be so devastating that the Department of Homeland Security put out a warning telling people to patch the hole immediately.